This one really does take the biscuit, and we have Google Image Search to thank for this gross attempt at a deception.
The following photograph was submitted, along with many others, for an agency – ‘Temptations Playmates’ – in Birmingham:
…which is fine. The other photos in the spread showed ‘Samira’ looking more like The Joker from Batman, but that’s not where our problem lies.
Going over to Google Image Search, this image got thrown up:
…from the website http://www.stevewilliamskitchens.co.uk/28-original-bedroom-design-ideas/
…we’ve left a live link for comparison purposes.
Does it look familiar?
Looks like the Temptations Playmates photoshopper just grabbed the image and superimposed a girl (and lets face it, it could just be ANY girl) into the foreground.
Use Temptations Playmates at your own risk – god knows what they’re going to be sending out to you!